
Java is one of the powerful programming language and learning Java programming is a great deal to make this learning easy this project is written. This project deals with the various Java concepts which are described through their syntax, flowchart, and with the most suitable programming example.

In the beginning, this project introduces the Java programming language and its features. Features of the Java language explain why Java become so popular in the world of computer programming.

Next, the following conditional statements in Java are explained. 

If statement.

If else statement

if-else if statement

switch case

ternary operator

These all concepts are explained with the help of programming examples that were practically tested on the computer system. The output given after each program will help to understand the working of a program.

This project also explains the looping statements such as while loop, do-while loop, and for loop with their syntax flowchart and with the help of the program.

At the end Math class functions such as pow(), sqrt( ), cbrt( ), ceil ( ) floor( ) etc. are explained with suitable example.

While writing this project great care has been taken to avoid mistakes. I hope this project will give you a great experience of learning Java concepts in the most appropriate way for the new Java learners.